
Consider Farming? Consider Chickens?

Farming for Beginners: How to Decide Between Livestock and Plants? Farming, it may seem complicated at first, but is in fact a simple process, the only question is it right for you. Some may think of farming as sitting back and watching over plants or livestock, but unless you can afford to pay people to work your land you will have to participate in the harvest and up keep. Now you may be thinking how you will be able to afford the land and provide other needed items that you are not producing. Well that is quite simple, while you may not be able to mass produce food like the large companies, you can produce more than your family needs to survive. With your extra food you can sell it at a farmers market or to friends. Now with all of the logistics out of the way an interesting topic looms: Will you farm livestock or fruits and vegetables? If your a vegetarian your answer is simple, you will grow fruits and vegetables, however if you are not you still have a difficult decision. While both livestock and fruits and vegetables can yield a profit - livestock can do this with less work for you. The kinds of livestock farming that you could participate in are raising them for sale or raising them and selling their meat and other products. Raising livestock for sale may be another solution for a person who does not want to consume animal products, but selling the meat and other products of the animals is potentially more profitable. The kinds of livestock that you could chose to farm are cattle, pigs, sheep, turkey, and chickens. Each of these animals have reasons both for and against farming them. The cattle can be butchered and milked, both of which could be sold. The sheep’s wool can be harvested as well as mutton. Chickens produce both eggs and meat. Pigs and turkeys however only produce meat. No matter what animal you choose to farm you need to be able to provide some basic necessities like a clean shelter, clean water, and nutritious feed. The shelter needs to be clean of mud and manure, as well as providing enough space for the livestock to be comfortable, this includes ventilation that does not create drafts and proper bedding material, which will need to be changed often to prevent sickness. The clean water is necessary as it helps regulate the body temperature of the animals, and clean [...]

By |2024-01-12T00:36:47+00:00March 4th, 2018|Farm, Animals, Chickens, Poultry|0 Comments


Hydroponics is - the process of growing plants in sand, gravel, or liquid, with added nutrients but without soil. In agriculture hydroponics has been remarkably crucial in assisting to lower the usage of pesticides and herbicides. This has translated in more fertile soils and has reduced the chemical burden on farms. Genetically engineered crops such as Bt Maize and Bt Cotton are pest-resistant. Better still other genetically modified crops that are drought-resistant have been produced. Such research has been hugely crucial in a world whose need for food has been increasing exponentially. New pesticides and remote sensing have played essential parts in reducing the amount of harmful chemicals that enter the ecosystem, and allowed farmers to meet the ever increasing needs of the planet. However, fungi and insects are developing resistance even to newest pesticides. Potential Benefits of Genetic Engineering In addition, even the best of modern pesticides still enter the food chains and harm humans and animals alike. For instance, in Holland, farmers have had to switch from soil-growing plants to hydroponics because of the accumulation of toxic salts that come from pesticides and fertilizers. The promise of genetic engineering technologies has been in developing pest-resistant crops which do not need pesticides and can grow without the need of irrigation (Eliot, et al 611). Genetic engineers have stated out rightly that there is a lot of hope such diseases can be treated either the insertion of corrected genes or modification of defective genes. Eventually, this hope of totally eliminating genetic ailments and also the treatment of non-genetic diseases is to a large extent attached to breakthroughs in gene therapy (Hammond, 165-166). Another benefit of hydroponics is in the ability to screen for genetic defects in unborn babies. These screenings are essential for parents and medical staff in preparing for the arrival of a child who may have specific needs. A possible potential benefit of genetic engineering that has been awaited with much eagerness is that a fetus that has genetic defects can be treated using genetic therapy before they are born. Revolutionizing Agriculture and Medicine Current there is a lot of research that is going on with regard to the use of gene therapy for embryos before they are implanted into the mother through in-vitro fertilization (Robert, 93-94). Agriculture is one of the fields which have experienced diverse benefits of hydroponics through rDNA technology. This has translated in improved genetic fitness of many plant species. Some of the common benefits in agriculture are increase in [...]

By |2024-01-12T12:15:35+00:00May 29th, 2017|Agriculture, Genetics, Hydroponics|0 Comments

Plastic, how it made and its Impact

Plastic and its impact: How it is developed and how it damages the environment Starting from coffee cups and shopping bags all up to protective gear and food packaging – plastic is a big part of our lives. Plastic is around us more than many realize, and it’s an important part of our everyday living. But, should it be? How safe it is? In this article, we will try to cover many how it is made and what exactly is plastic. Hopefully, we will bust some myths about it and give you a new insight for it. It’s Organic That’s correct – it is made from oil and/or plants. The first one that is made is from oil actually made from naphtha – a type of oil that cannot be refined for gasoline or motor oil. The second one that is made is from plants is a bioplastic – mostly used for disposable items like packaging, straws, pots, etc. The method of making it is a long one, but we will try to explained in short words: - The Naphtha is processed into polymers , substances that are formed by chemical reaction in which large number of molecules (monomers) are joined together – creating a chain. - Different combination of monomers can yield the plastic resins with different properties and characteristics. - When the plastic finally emerges from the reactors, it’s not yes as we wanted to be. So therefore, additives are added (hence the name :). Not only that additives are meant to change the mechanical, physical and chemical properties of the plastic, but to protect it as well, from light, heat or bacteria. Bioplastics are made from plants such as corn, orange peels, cellulose, etc.  A good thing about this kind of plastic is that it is  compostable: these plastics can decay into natural materials. There are 2 types of polymers (plastic) -Thermoset, plastic that once is made – it cannot be changed. -Thermoplastic, plastic that once exposed to heat it returns in its original condition. Environmental effects that plastic can cause With so many plastic products around us, some kind of impact on the environment is expected. Some of those impacts include: -Danger to animal life There is a big amount of plastic bags and bottle in our oceans. In fact, that kind of trash in the Pacific is estimated that is a size of Texas. This not only cause dangers to the marine life, but to us as well. Many countries spend a lot [...]

By |2024-01-12T23:39:58+00:00June 10th, 2015|Environmental, Plastics|0 Comments
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